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Organic Soybean Meal

Derived from organically grown, GMO-free soybeans that are mechanically processed to preserve the highest plant nutrient value. Used for feeding poultry, swine, cattle and pet food, organic soybean meal is obtained as the by-product through soybean oil extraction. Completely non-chemical methods are used for the extraction process. Soybean meal has a high protein content, especially when compared to other plant protein sources. Soybean meal also has an excellent amino acid profile that complements that of corn.

Professional feed manufacturers use Organic Super Soy to build quality feeds that will perform for their customers. We supply certified organic feed for your animals, we are your supplier  Organic Super Soy in your animals’ ration.

Partially Defatted Soybean Meal
We can supply Certified and Authentic Organic Soybean Meal as per Organic standards of best quality & at competitive prices.

Get Organic Soybean Meal Today